Brain Tumours

A full range of brain tumour surgery is able to be performed at Ascot Hospital in Auckland . Mr Law has removed/debulked a wide range of brain tumours at Ascot Hospital . These include intrinsic brain tumours (astrocytomas, other gliomas), meningiomas (skull base and convexity), metastases (tumours spread to the brain from other parts of the body) and others. Mr Law does not perform surgery on acoustic neuromas (tumours on the hearing nerves) and would recommend referral to Messers Bok, Furneaux or Sillars.

Ascot Hospital has a full equipped theatre suite and well trained nursing and support staff. Patients are admitted to a high dependency unit in the initial postoperative period. It is quite uncommon to admit patients to an Intensive Care Unit in the postoperative period, however in the cases where this is necessary, the patients would be transferred to Auckland City Hospital . Once Intensive Therapy is no longer required, patients can be returned for the recovery period to Ascot wards. Read more

Pituitary Tumours

Mr Law performs trans-nasal trans-sphenoidal surgery on 30 to 50 patients per year with tumours of the pituitary gland. Surgery through the nose provides access to an air sinus that lies directly underneath the tumour. The tumour is then removed in fragments using the operating microscope for magnification and lighting.

Surgery is frequently performed in conjunction with Mr Michael Davison, a Otorhinolaryngologist who is an expert nasal endoscopist and performs the nasal dissection component of the operation Endoscopic assisted transsphenoidal debulking of pituitary tumours. Other cases are performed with the nasal dissection being performed by a Septal pushover technique.

Spinal Surgery

Mr Law performs a full range of cervical (neck) surgical procedures from either an anterior or posterior approach utilizing instrumented techniques when required. The various approaches and techniques will be discussed by Mr Law if surgery is required. Read more


Surgery is a serious event that carries risk with it. Although utmost care is always taken around the surgery time, it is important to be aware of the possible risks, complications and implications of surgery. It is important that you discuss your operation fully with your surgeon BEFORE surgery and are aware of the procedure of surgery, the goals and possible outcomes of the surgery as well the risks and possible adverse outcomes.
